I hold a master’s degree in Law from the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands, where I studied Theatre Science as well. I started my career as a corporate lawyer at the production company IDTV in Amsterdam where I got to know the ropes of television production (1996-1998).
In the subsequent years I worked at the Dutch Media Regulatory Authority, initially as a lawyer and soon thereafter as Head of the Legal Department (1998-2007). In 2008 I cofounded the partnership DenKK Juristen in Amsterdam, that served prominent media companies such as public and private broadcasters, representative organizations and television production companies.
In addition, I acted during the years 2008/2009 as managing director ad interim of the Film Producers Netherlands (FPN). In 2015 I set up my own consultancy.
I served the board of the Dutch Association for Media and Communications Law (2007-2017) and Film Investors Netherlands (FINE), an intermediary between producers and potential investors (2004-2008). Now I’m in the board of De Vorstin, a concert venue in Hilversum: the media city of the Netherlands.